Nut Tart with Honey and Maple Syrup
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As the leaves begin to change color and the air turns crisp, our thoughts turn to cozy nights in and warm, comforting desserts. This Nut Tart with Honey and Maple Syrup is a perfect choice for such days 🌰 🥜


Difficulty: Medium
Dish size


Prep time


Baking time


Resting time





This nut tart is the perfect autumn treat, with a buttery, flaky crust filled with a rich and nutty filling. The honey and maple syrup add a touch of sweetness and depth of flavor.
The best part is that this tart can be made with a variety of nuts, so you can use your favorites. I like to use a combination of pecans, walnuts, and hazelnuts (or really whatever you find in your storage 😉).


  • Dough
  • Butter 82.5% – 45 g

  • Sugar powder – 25 g

  • Nut flour – 14 g

  • Flour – 100 g

  • Eggs – 23 g

  • Nut filling
  • Butter 82.5% – 40 g

  • Flour – 25 g

  • Nut flour – 25 g

  • Honey – 190 g

  • Maple syrup – 115 g

  • Eggs – 160 g

  • Mix of roasted nuts – 220 g (e.g., pecan, walnuts, hazelnut, etc.)


  • Prepare the nut flour (hazelnut is best) for both the dough and the filling in the oven: bake the flour in a 130-140 degrees preheated oven for 7-10 minutes occasionally stirring.
  • Chop cold butter into small cubes, just under 1 cm. You can freeze the butter so that it does not melt in your hands so quickly during cutting.
  • Knead the ingredients at low speed for butter not to start melting to get a small crumb, homogeneous in composition and size of granules.
  • Add eggs and continue beating at low speed (I used 4 and sometimes 5 out of 7).
  • The dough is ready when it no longer sticks to the walls of the mixer bowl.
  • Press the finished dough into a flat circle of ~2 cm height and let it lie in the refrigerator for at least 40 minutes.
  • Only after cooling, roll out the dough quickly, between two sheets of parchment, to a thickness of 2 mm and 3 cm larger than the baking form diameter. Do not roll out the dough too thick, or it will swell.
  • Carefully put the dough in the ring and form the sides. Press the dough slightly against the sides with your finger. Cut the excess dough on top with a knife.
  • Pierce the bottom with a fork all the way through over the entire area and put the base in the freezer for 30 minutes.
  • Filling preparation
  • Roast the nuts in a pan if not yet roasted.
  • Add flour and nut flour, honey and maple syrup, melted butter and eggs into the bowl. Mix well with the mixer until homogeneous.
  • Add nuts and stir with the spatula.
  • Preheat the oven to 170 degrees (top-bottom), and take out the frozen dough only when the oven is ready. Carefully pour the filling into the tart.
  • It may take 35 to 55 minutes until the tart is ready depending on your oven. The tart will be ready when the middle is barely swayed. The finished tart should be cooled down quickly.
    It will be possible to remove the tart from the form only when it has completely cooled down.

Tips & Tricks

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